Empowering Educators: Teacher Leadership Academy

Teacher leaders play a critical role in determining school culture, 支持新教师的成功, 提高学生的学习成绩. 记住这一点, the Roche Center created the Empowering Educators: Teacher Leadership Academy, which develops and supports current and aspiring teacher-leaders in the core areas of understanding principles of adult learning, 创造一种学习文化, 指导新教师, and leading initiatives in their schools.


Successful school cultures are ones in which everyone teaches and learns. For schools to be their best, leadership cannot be left to the principal alone. 分布式领导是必要的. 在这个项目的过程中, teacher-leaders from Catholic schools hone the knowledge, 技能, and dispositions necessary to help transform their schools.



Designed for PK-12 Catholic School Teacher-Leaders across the US

Participate in a Teacher-Leadership Cohort

Empowering Educators: Teacher Leadership Academy — 概述

Participating in the 电子游戏软件 Teacher Leadership Academy was an unexpected opportunity and blessing. I was blown away by the talent of my fellow participants and am grateful to have had the privilege to learn from them.
丹尼尔•戴维斯, 克里斯多雷亚特兰大耶稣会高中




The Empowering Educators professional development initiative is designed for PK-12 Catholic school teacher-leaders.

The Empowering Educators TLA partners with Catholic school systems (Diocesan or network) to form cohorts of teacher-leaders leading school-based change while developing teacher leadership competencies and 技能.

2024 - 2025年的日期

1) In-person institute at 电子游戏软件 to kick off the 2-year program

2) Monthly whole-group virtual (Zoom) sessions and 1-on-1 virtual check-ins

3) Implementation of a school-based teacher leadership project with impact presentations at the conclusion of each school year of participation

Specific dates set in collaboration with sponsoring partner and/or cohort members.


The cost of the Empowering Educators: Teacher Leadership Academy is $2,500 per teacher per year.

The Teacher-Leadership Academy will be comprised of a minimum of 10 teacher leaders per cohort.


问题? Interested in forming a Diocesan or Network cohort?

博士联系. Michael O’Connor, Program Director of Outreach & 专业发展,at rochecenter@talbertfenceanddeck.com.

主持人:Michael T. 奥康纳,Ph值.D.


The Empowering Educators: Teacher Leadership Academy is facilitated by Dr. 迈克尔·奥康纳, Program Director of Outreach and 专业发展 at the Roche Center. Michael has served as a middle school educator, 指导教练, 专业学习顾问, 教师教育者, 电子游戏正规平台员, and policymaker across Catholic and public education settings. He has supported beginning Catholic school educators in multiple roles with programs in the University Consortium for Catholic Education (UCCE), including as a Teaching Fellow with the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) at the University of Notre Dame, the founding Assistant Director of 项目 with the Alliance for Catholic Education at Saint Joseph's University (ACESJU), an Instructional Coach with the Urban Catholic Teacher Corps (UCTC) at 电子游戏软件, and the Director of the Providence Alliance for Catholic Teachers (PACT) at Providence College. Michael earned his doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction with a specialization in Language, 读写能力, and Culture from the 林奇学校 at 电子游戏软件.