
Form books have been a staple of Anglo-American legal literature since the 12th century. 这些书, 通常被称为判例书, offer form or sample documents that help lawyers prepare legal documents. 这种来源的扩散是有道理的. 律师花费大量时间起草诉状, 运动, 三角裤, 合同, 公司章程, 章程——这个名单还在继续.

今天, many sources of forms are digital (think of Westlaw’s FormFinder; annotated forms on Practical Law and Lexis Practice Advisor; and many others, (免费和订阅), 允许快速编辑和定制. This exhibit looks at the forerunners of these in-demand electronic sources and examines the long tradition in our legal literature of providing forms for lawyers’ drafting tasks.

的 exhibit was curated by Laurel Davis, Curator of Rare Books/Legal Reference Librarian. 它将一直展出到2017年2月. 请进来看看!

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Daniel R. Coquillette珍本书屋


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