Materials Characterization


The Materials Characterization Core facility is located in Room 006 of 245 Beacon Street on the main campus of 电子游戏软件. The facility supports multiple characterization needs, including surface analysis, 光学分析, 热分析, structure/phase analysis, mechanical analysis, absorption analysis, 等等.......  As a new core facility, we are also expecting to further develop the functions according to the users' needs.



Dr. 京金 is a materials scientist who is primarily focused on 磁 nano-materials systems (1D & 2D). She initially joined 电子游戏软件 as the Assistant 导演 of 核磁共振 Center after completing her Ph.D. from the Institute of Materials Science at the University of Connecticut in May 2017 in particular to oversee EPR-related projects. Before that, Jing obtained her B.S. degree in Applied Physics as well as an M.英格. degree in Material Physics and Chemistry from Tianjin University in China, and M.S. degree in Physics from Clark University in the US. She is currently working towards her M.B.A from the Carroll School of Management at BC, and has recently been appointed the director of the new BC Materials Characterization Core.

Dr. Jin has intensive hands-on experience with many different characterization techniques, including EPR & NMR, as well as XPS, XRD, AFM, FTIR, Raman, surface absorption. She has led/collaborated on work characterizing the properties of many different systems encompassing organic and inorganic materials, 聚合物, 和生物分子.


金晶,博士.D. |导演
Materials Characterization Center, 电子游戏软件

245 Beacon Street, office 505D / lab B06
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3860
Office Tel: (617) 552-4766
Lab Tel: (617) 552-0873
电子邮件: 京