


Grief is not only an individual experience, we can experience it as communities as well. 下面您将找到有关分担损失的资源.

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Actively Moving Forward

Coping with 大学的悲伤 
Outlines what to expect when grieving and what you can “do” to seek support and/or care for yourself while grieving

Grief in college is a unique experience and may feel isolating. 这里是一些资源的选择,讲述了在大学期间的悲伤经历.

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Grief for beginners
5 strategies to help cultivate a healthy relationship with grief.

The Paradox of Grief
The isolating reality of loss and the significance of seeking out connection and support.

Grief is Evidence of Love 
Grieving and healing as communal acts “Grief is an acknowledgment of loss, yes, but it is also a way of honoring our
commitment to those who have passed on…” 

The Grieving Process: Coping with Death 
Typical response to grief, what to expect, and general suggestions for navigating grief and importance of acknowledging grief “Grief is less like a staircase and more like a rollercoaster…” 

We Don't "Move On" from Grief. We Move Forward With It.
TED Talk


Grief can often feel overwhelming, 这里精选了一些资源,讨论了一些常见的悲伤经历,并为如何应对悲伤提供了建议.

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祈祷 & 诗

For Anyone Grieving Today - Morgan Harper Nichols

Prayer When a Loved One Has Died - Joyce Rupp

诗 and prayers can often be sources of comfort and connection during the grieving process. 在这里,你会找到一些资源,这些资源对校园事工团队的成员在经历悲伤时很有意义.

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The Grieving Brain
How our minds respond to grief

There are no ‘5 Stages of Grief’

5 Stages of Grief and Other Lies that Don't Help Anyone
Explains that the “5 stages of grief” are not really stages…each person’s experience of grief is unique and does not have a timeline. 

Grief is not only an emotional experience, but a psychological one as well. 这些资源提供了一些关于大脑如何经历悲伤的信息.

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You are not alone. 下面你会找到一些资源,可以帮助那些可能有自杀风险的人,或者为那些因自杀而失去亲人的人感到悲伤的人.

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