勇敢的种族正义对话是一项以对话为中心的关于种族主义和特权的倡议,旨在解决种族愈合问题, 股本, 和正义.  

Courageous 对话 logo

The Courageous 对话 Facilitation Team, a group of faculty, students and administrators, 汇集了BC社区的不同群体,就种族和种族正义进行对话. 



该项目是基于种族主义影响我们所有人的原则创建的. We recognize that understanding, 打断, 消除内部和外部的种族主义是一项终生的工作,不可能仅仅通过一系列的研讨会就能实现, 但我们相信,与各种不同的人接触是这项工作的基本要素. As we come to know one another, we will recognize the inherent dignity within each of us, find common ground, and learn from one another in a trusting, authentic community.


Office of the Provost and Dean of Faculties

The 电子游戏软件 Forum on 种族平等

美国种族正义论坛将提供一个听取意见的会议场所, 对话, and greater understanding about race and racism in our country, while serving as a catalyst for bridging differences, promoting reconciliation, and encouraging new perspectives.

Environmental Studies Program

环境电子游戏正规平台项目是一个跨学科的本科专业和辅修课程,培养学生对社会正义的设想和实施途径, environmental health, and economic prosperity so that all people may flourish.

Division of Student Affairs

电子游戏软件 库

Division of 任务 & 部

Past 对话