Ph.D. 程序

The 数学 Department offers a selective and focused doctoral program for talented students specializing in three broad research areas: 几何/拓扑, 数论/表示论, 代数几何.


应用于Ph值.D. 程序




Applications received by January 20 will receive full consideration for admission and Teaching Assistantships. 


  • 申请表格
  • 官方成绩单
  • An abstract of mathematics courses taken at other institutions 
  • GRE scores (including the 数学 subject test) - GRE scores are optional for the upcoming admission cycle due to COVID-19
  • Three letters of recommendation, preferably from undergraduate teachers of 数学
  • 课程作业的详细说明.
  • Official TOEFL scores, for students whose native language is not 英语
  • 申请费.


至少, students should have had at least one year of Abstract Algebra and one year of Analysis (real and complex) in their undergraduate preparation. It is helpful to list the textbooks used for these courses. Since our research is centered around 数论/表示论, 几何/拓扑/动力学, 代数几何, our aim is to accept only those students with an interest in at least one of these areas. The Statement of Purpose is a good place to describe this.



We offer financial aid stipends and tuition remission for qualified students. It is anticipated that support will be provided for five years of study, given reasonable progress toward the degree and acceptable performance of TA/TF duties.




Fellowship awardees are designated as a TA (Teaching Assistant) in the first year. 在正常情况下, assuming reasonable progress towards the degree and acceptable performance as a TA, awardees are typically supported for subsequent years as TFs (Teaching Fellows). It is anticipated that support will continue through the fifth year of study. Each TA/TF award includes a complete tuition scholarship, plus stipend paid over the nine-month academic year, plus office space equipped with networked computer (shared with one other TA/TF).


所有Ph值.D. applicants are considered for fellowships.


TAs usually work together with full-time 教师 in large lecture classes and conduct recitation sections, 问题会议, 也许还需要一些辅导. TFs usually are responsible for teaching one section of a core-level 数学 course in each semester. These activities require about 15 hours per week, above and beyond your attention to your own coursework. 

助教/ TF调度

一般, TA assignments in the fall semester of the first year are based on incoming students' course schedules. 在随后的学期中, scheduling preferences for the upcoming term are solicited from everyone involved. We try to accommodate everyone as best we can although some compromises are necessary each semester.


Teaching Fellows who achieve the greatest success as a TF will be considered for a Donald White Teaching Excellence Award, a cash prize given to outstanding graduate student teachers at 电子游戏软件.


The department requires Teaching Assistants and Teaching Fellows to participate in a weekly seminar designed to help students develop and refine their classroom skills. A major component of this seminar is the use of case studies.


As a Teaching Assistant or Teaching Fellow in the 数学 Department, you will receive extensive support from the department in your teaching endeavors. We recognize the tremendous job done by our TA/TFs; year after year they play an essential role in our undergraduate Core curriculum and bring an exciting energy to the fifth floor of Maloney Hall.

You will work in an environment where your contributions are valued by everyone around you, 包括其他学生, 教师, 和工作人员. 不管你未来的职业是什么, your experience as a TA/TF will contribute to your mathematical, 管理, 沟通技巧, 你会享受这个过程的.



Boston is a world-renowned center for 数学 and provides a vibrant intellectual climate in which graduate students thrive, with many outdoor and cultural opportunities in the beautiful New England area.

电子游戏软件 is a member of the 电子游戏正规平台生 Consortium, and BC mathematics graduate students may cross-register for one course each semester at Boston University, 布兰代斯, 或塔夫茨.


Our internationally recognized 教师 publish research in top journals. The department also sponsors the BC-MIT Number Theory Seminar, the 代数几何 Northeastern Series, and the Hamilton Geometry and Topology Workshop at Trinity College.