Major & Minor


The Studio Art major provides students with an opportunity to develop the techniques, 视觉感性, and historical understanding necessary for working with various materials. An exploration of the meanings and ideas generated by the things we make and an awareness of the process of making are essential parts of the program.

An integral part of the Studio Art major’s undergraduate education is the senior project. 专注于他们专注的领域, senior projects are exhibited on campus at the end of the academic year.

Students interested in majoring in Studio Art should contact Professor Mark Cooper.


工作室艺术专业共11门课程(33学分). Students must have taken at least four semesters of course work in Studio Art prior to their senior year. It is strongly recommended to take Issues and Approaches in the sophomore year.

TWO 下列入门课程:

  • 美术1101绘画
  • 艺术1102绘画
  • 设计:眼见为实 OR 设计1:基础
  • ARTS1105 Making Prints/Making Books: An Introduction to Printmaking and Book Arts
  • 艺术1141陶瓷
  • ARTS1155数字艺术入门 (Note: course has been renamed Introduction to Photoshop and Illustrator and course # on Eagle Apps is ARTS1156)
  • 艺术1161摄影
  • 艺术1163数码摄影入门
  • ARTS1701创意艺术

ONE 下列课程:

  • ARTH2204战后:1945年后的艺术
  • ARTS2211当代艺术的观念
  • 1945年以来的艺术


  • ARTS1103工作室艺术的问题和方法


  • 选修课1(2000或3000级)
  • 选修课2(2000或3000级)
  • 选修课3(2000或3000级)
  • 选修课4(3000或4000级)(不包括高级项目) 
  • 选修课5(3000或4000级)(不包括高级项目) 


高级项目 is a required year-long course for senior majors taught on Wednesday afternoons.

  • ARTS4498高级课题
  • ARTS4473高级课题2

Students must have taken at least four semesters of course work in Studio Art prior to their senior year. It is strongly recommended to take Issues and Approaches in the sophomore year.

In addition to the required courses, the following courses are recommended:

  • ARTH1101介绍艺术史:史前到中世纪
  • ARTH1102介绍艺术史:文艺复兴到现代
  • ARTH2257十九世纪艺术
  • ARTH2258现代艺术:十九至二十世纪II
  • 暑期充实课程


The minor in Studio Art offers students the opportunity to pursue a course of study in ceramics, design, drawing, mixed media, painting, 或摄影. 小程序有一些类似的功能, 以一种简略的方式, aspects of our majors studio program that we have found to be successful. 必修的高级辅修专题课程, for example, 与我们专业的高级项目类似吗. This curriculum of six courses is designed to encourage an in-depth investigation of one medium, 而不是一个广泛的抽样. The course structure aims at having the individual student develop the artistic techniques and conceptual 视觉感性 necessary for working as an artist today. Students are encouraged to declare the Studio Art minor before their senior year.

Students who are interested in declaring the minor should contact Prof. 哈特穆特•奥斯丁.



  • ARTS1103工作室艺术的问题和方法


  • 美术1101绘画
  • 艺术1102绘画
  • 设计:眼见为实
  • 设计1:基础
  • 艺术1141陶瓷
  • 艺术1150绘画加上拼贴
  • ARTS1155数字艺术入门
  • 艺术1161摄影
  • 艺术1163数码摄影入门


  • 选修课1(1000或2000级)
  • 选修课2(2000或3000级)
  • 选修课3(3000或4000级)
  • ARTS3328高级辅修项目

The three electives should be concentrated in one of the following areas:

  • ceramics
  • design
  • digital art
  • drawing
  • mixed media
  • painting
  • photography


  • Students are allowed only one independent study in their field of concentration
  • Courses to be counted for the minor must be taken for a grade (not pass/fail)
  • Students who wish to strengthen their minor are strongly encouraged to take additional offerings in their field of concentration


The Studio Art major can also be completed with a concentration in 体系结构电子游戏正规平台, 至少需要11门课程(33学分);

  • 美术1101绘画
  • ARTS1103工作室艺术的问题和方法
  • ARTS1125 Innovation Through Design Thinking (cross-listed as UNAS1025)

ONE 下列课程:

  • ARTS1155数字艺术入门
  • 艺术与数字技术
  • ARTS2250数字设计导论

THREE of the following courses, at least one of which must be at the 3000 level:

  • ARTS2250数字设计导论
  • art2252建筑设计
  • ARTS2207 Urban Design for Complexity and Sustainability (cross-listed as BSLW2207)
  • 高级数字设计:空间设计
  • 高级混合媒体

TWO 下列艺术或建筑史课程, 其中至少有一个必须在1000或2000级别:

  • ARTH1107: History of Architecture (World Architecture)ARTS2211: Ideas in Contemporary Art
  • ARTH2251:现代建筑
  • ARTH2267: Salt Box to Skyscraper: American Architecture 17th-20th centuries
  • ARTH3311:希腊艺术和考古学
  • ARTH3314:埃及艺术和考古学
  • ARTH3332: The Age of Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael and Beyond: Sixteenth-Century Art in Italy
  • ARTH3344:威尼斯艺术与建筑
  • ARTH3346:东亚的建筑
  • ARTH3347: The Age of the Baroque: Seventeenth-Century Art in Italy
  • art3356: 1945年以来的艺术


  • ARTS4498高级课题 (This requirement may be substituted with an internship or an Independent Study. 请咨询教授. Mark Cooper
  • ARTS4473高级课题2

We also recommend that students in the 建筑学电子游戏正规平台方向 engage in career discovery in the form of summer courses and internships.